Groene geschenken met duurzame goede doelen

Retulp is a social enterprise with the goal of reducing litter and fighting the plastic soup. We want to set a good example, create awareness and encourage recycling. We do this by bringing hip, handy and reusable products on the market as an alternative to disposable plastic products. With the proceeds of our products we support charities.

Retulp In doing so, seeks to partner with sustainable charities that we can support with the sale of our drink and lunchware to make the world a nicer and cleaner place. Below is an overview of the main charities we work with.

The World Wildlife Fund or WWF once began as a protector of animals like the panda. They now face a much greater challenge. Climate change and loss of nature are affecting all life on earth today. That's why WWF is on a mission: to make the world "Nature Positive. And Retulp is eager to support WWF in this effort. WWF is in the middle of the field to protect and restore nature. From Limburg rivers to Amazon rainforest, from Caribbean coral to African wildlife. Hands on and with their feet in the mud: doing is their credo. They enter into partnerships with local organizations and get people, companies and governments moving together. WWF-NL works with a long-term strategy to protect nature in the long term. With our products we want to support WWF in this strategy. You can find our cups and other products in the WWF webshop.

Schoon drinkwater voor iedereen. Dat is de missie van Made Blue.  Daar zijn wij het helemaal mee eens! Want op dit moment zijn er nog steeds meer dan 700 miljoen mensen op de wereld die geen toegang hebben tot schoon drinkwater. Niet alleen een tekort aan water is een probleem. Naar schatting sterven jaarlijks 485.000 mensen als gevolg van vervuild drinkwater en slechte sanitatie. Made Blue zet zich in die gebieden waar veel waterschaarste is en hierbij wordt er ook geïnvesteerd in educatie van de lokale bewoners zodat zij zelf een bijdrage kunnen leveren aan het onderhoud van de waterpunten. Door de waterpunten die Made Blue realiseert wordt ook voorkomen dat mensen water kopen in plastic wegwerp flessen, dus dit scheelt veel plastic afval die in het milieu terechtkomt. Wij ondersteunen Made Blue door voor elke verkochte beker of drinkfles 1000 x de inhoud in liters water te doneren!


World Wildlife Fund

As a business supporter of the WWF plastic free sea project, Retulp supports this mission financially. Read more

Preventing waste in oceans

Club Kakatua

Together with Club Kakatua, Retulp will realize a trash barier in a river in Indonesia every year: Read more

Coby - Retulp and Plastic-soup-surfer - Merijn Tinga

Plastic Soup Surfer

Merijn Tinga is fighting against disposable plastic in his own wonderful way. Here he presents his book to our Coby. Read more

Made Blue

Made Blue Foundation

Over the past 8 years, Retulp has donated over 200,000,000 (!) gallons of clean drinking water to developing countries. Read more

Sea first foundation - Richard Retulp

Sea First Foundation

Founder Richard has been volunteering with SFF since 2015 and in addition Retulp occasionally donates products to this wonderful foundation. Read more

Regional cleanup efforts

Regional cleanup efforts

Locally here on the Veluwe, we organize playful campaigns to combat litter and raise awareness. Read more

100% customer satisfaction guarantee

100% customer satisfaction guarantee

From 12 pieces with or without your own logo

From 12 pieces with or without your own logo

Recyclable, food safe and BPA free

Recyclable, food safe and BPA free

A free digital proof within 12 hours

A free digital proof within 12 hours

Sharp transparent all-in prices

Sharp transparent all-in prices