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Durable materials

Every day in the Netherlands alone we throw away 19 million plastic cups and food packaging after single use. We should not continue to burden future generations with this. A turnaround is needed from disposable to reusable. This way we can prevent plastic soup, use resources more carefully and leave behind a cleaner world.

Sustainability is a broad and is actually anything organic, recycled or long-lasting. Most important is that the product lasts a long time. Make the right choice and check out the carefully curated Retulp assortment. There are differences between materials that are not always so easy to explain in a product text. For example, what exactly is so sustainable about cane sugar, bamboo, stainless steel or RPET?

According to Retulp, stainless steel is the most sustainable material to make bottles and thermos cups from and that is mainly due to its enormous longevity. Products made of bio materials are very innovative and sound very sustainable but usually have a shorter lifespan and there are all kinds of legal restrictions attached to them, such as complexity with food safety and difficult recyclability. Below is an explanation of these commonly used materials.

Reusable cups for tea and sustainable coffee cups 2024
Reusable bamboo cups for tea and sustainable coffee mugs


Although many people think that bamboo is a type of wood, it is not. In fact, it is a type of grass, but one that grows very tall and strong and also grows at lightning speed. This also makes it sustainable because it can be harvested in quick succession. In addition, it is naturally pest-resistant and requires comparatively little water. This is why Retulp also has 2 models of thermos flasks made primarily of bamboo. Check out the bamboo thermos bottles here .

PLA bio plastic

PLA is biodegradable in industrial composting, biocompatible and are produced from renewable vegetable raw materials such as corn starch. PLA is used, for example, for packaging for peppers, sliced lettuce and strawberries. It is perfect for that, because it is a breathable material. Therefore it is immediately less suitable for bottles, for example, and Retulp has no PLA bottles in its range.

Cane sugar organic plastic

From sugar cane, of course, cane sugar is first made for consumption. From the residual product, bioethanol can be made. From bioethanol you then make plastic that has exactly the same composition and quality as plastic made from petroleum. And a big advantage: because sugar cane absorbs a lot of CO2 while growing, biobased plastic even has negative CO2 emissions! So from this raw material we make our bio water bottles.


Recycled plastic or RPET saves on the use of fossil fuels in production. It also emits less CO2 and uses less water in the production of RPET than plastic. But recycling takes a lot of energy, involves a lot of transportation, and eventually RPET will end up in the trash anyway. Moreover, there are many food safety requirements for RPET, which is why Retulp chooses to make only bags and lunch bags from recycled plastic, not bottles.

Biobidon racing bike
steel drinking can

Stainless steel

Most bottles from Retulp are made of stainless steel, and for good reason. A stainless steel water bottle that lasts a lifetime is not only good for your own wallet, but has many other benefits as well:

  • Germs: Research has shown that in stainless steel bottles, compared to plastic bottles, germs are more preventable. The grooves in plastic bottles are often difficult to clean.
  • Chemicals: More and more people are switching from plastic bottles to stainless steel drinking bottles because of concerns about BPA and the possible release of microplastics and chemicals (reactivity). Fortunately, stainless steel bottles are non-reactive. In fact, when filled with water, they do not release harmful toxins.
  • No BPA: Plastic water bottles have received much negative publicity, due to bisphenol-A (BPA). A study at the University of Cincinnati concluded that stainless steel bottles do not release BPA.
  • Flavors: Reusable plastic bottles retain flavors. High quality stainless steel drinking bottles fortunately do not retain flavors. So in the morning, your water will not have the previous day's coffee taste.
  • Durability: Thanks to corrosion resistance, stainless steel bottles will last much longer than plastic bottles. In addition, when exposed to heat or sun, chemicals will not be released.

In short, a stainless steel bottle offers many advantages compared to a plastic bottle. At Retulp we have a very wide range of stainless steel bottles, so there is always a drinking bottle that suits you!