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Mission indisposable 2020, did it work?


The plastic problem is growing every year. At the same time, the production of plastic is only increasing. This has serious consequences for nature and the environment. That is why we created Mission Indisposable in 2019 with the goal of not only avoiding 20 million disposable products by 2020, but also donating 20 million liters of clean drinking water to people in developing countries through MadeBlue.

But now the big question... did it work?

Non-disposable, it's possible! In the past year, we collectively prevented 16,700,000 disposables and donated 21,416,667 liters of clean drinking water.

We are super proud to say that the number of liters of drinking water we were able to donate was well above our expectations, over 4% more! Unfortunately, we did not manage to prevent enough disposables.

Retulp water donation charities

New year new goals

A new year means new goals. Even though we didn't reach the goal of preventing disposables, we are going full steam ahead in 2020 to once again donate water and prevent disposables. This year we want to work together with 20 companies to reach our goal this year. Will you join us?

Also this year, for every item sold, we will donate clean drinking water in third world countries, in cooperation with the Made Blue foundation.

Why Mission Indisposable?

Retulp aims to avoid unnecessary plastic. Every minute, about a garbage truck full of plastic ends up in the oceans. This plastic comes from humans through streets, ditches, rivers and the sea. To combat plastic pollution in nature, prevention is better than recycling. In fact, currently about 50% of plastic is thrown away immediately after use and only a small part of this plastic is recycled. Despite the many alternatives already offered against disposable plastics, some 50,000 plastic bottles are still thrown away every day in the Netherlands. With Mission Indisposable 2020, Retulp wants to contribute to the fight against these disposable plastics. We need to move away from the convenience of single-use bottles and towards the use of the stylish reusable bottle. We want to spread that message.

Would you like to support our water donation?