Retulp & Fynn Foundation

Despite the fact that poverty is being tackled vigorously around the world, deaf children are often invisible to development organizations. Deaf children are often even "hidden" inside. The Fynn Foundation tries to give deaf children the same opportunities as Fynn as much as possible.

We have set ourselves a goal for 2020: to avoid 20 million single-use plastic bottles and donate 20 million liters of drinking water to people who need it. Change is something you do together, so we want to make the Mission Indisposable 2020 possible with at least 20 entrepreneurs. This week: the case of the Fynn Foundation.

The Fynn Foundation is named after Fynn. Fynn, five years old, was born deaf and dresses up every day, preferably as Superman. Super Fynn! Even on vacation he took his Superman suit with him. Fynn goes to school every day, where he learns to read and write just like the other children. In the Netherlands this is normal, but deaf children in developing countries are often hidden from the outside world. The Fynn Foundation helps these children. This year, with the help of the Fynn Foundation, two children started at the Nyabihu School for the Deaf in Rwanda and next year another sponsor child will join them.

Water bottles for superheroes

De Fynn Foundation zoekt steeds naar creatieve en leuke manieren om geld in te zamelen. “We waren gecharmeerd door de Urban flessen van Retulp omdat ze stoer zijn en van staal, net als Superman”. Daarom is er nu een heel bijzondere Urban RVS fles verkrijgbaar, die van Fynn’s Superhelden. Iedere Retulp fles zorgt ervoor dat er 1000 keer de inhoud aan schoon drinkwater wordt gedoneerd aan ontwikkelingslanden. De fles van Fynn’s Superhelden is extra bijzonder, want hiermee krijgen dove kinderen in ontwikkelingslanden de kans om naar school te gaan en gebarentaal te leren. Zoals Fynn zelf mooi verwoordt: “Een stoere fles voor echte helden!”

Are you curious about what a printed bottle can do for your brand?