May Plastic Free

Dat was ‘m bijna weer! Elk jaar staat mei in het teken van plastic. Een goed initiatief, juist daarom geeft Retulp simpele tips om niet alleen in mei, maar ook de rest van het jaar minder plastic te gebruiken.

We all know by now that plastic waste is a global problem and it endangers animals and nature. However, 1 million (!) plastic water bottles are still bought every minute and one truck full of plastic waste ends up in the oceans every minute. (

Enough reason to start it now, or continue it of course. From our experience, however, plastic-free living is harder than expected, which is why we offer 4 simple tips:

4 tips for living plastic-free(er)

Tip 1: Refuse single-use

Easily said and easily done! For starters, swap your plastic bottle for a reusable water bottle, not only will you be helping to reduce single-use plastic, but you'll also be taking better care of yourself. After all, water in plastic bottles contains 50% more microplastics than tap water, not something you want to ingest.

You can also refuse disposable cups by using your own thermos, refuse plastic bags by carrying a reusable bag for groceries from now on and pack your lunch in a reusable lunch box. There are countless other alternatives to disposable plastic.

Tip 2: Be prepared

Always be prepared when you are on the go. In addition to your reusable bottle and bag, bring your own cutlery and reusable straw. This way you can refuse plastic variants if there are no alternatives, and make a statement right away.

Tip 3: Live consciously

It's the standard tips that still make the difference. Try looking for alternatives more often. For example, buy your fruits and vegetables at the grocery store or at the market. Buy products in large packages instead of small ones, that way you don't have to buy a new package for every meal. Choose products, such as cleaning products, in refillable containers. Or buy products that are not wrapped in plastic at all, such as Nature box shampoo bars and Happy soap.

And if you do buy plastic containers; separate the waste properly and recycle as much as possible.

Tip #4: Take action!

For decades, advertisements have aired that a better environment starts with yourself. Big companies hide behind the idea that they only supply what consumers demand. But once there are little to no alternatives to plastic-wrapped products, consumers cannot be the only problem. In reality, change must also come from the biggest plastic polluters such as Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, Nestlé and Unilever who produce more new plastic every year when, according to them, a circular economy is the solution.

We can change that by taking the lead as consumers and creating the support necessary for companies to see that things cannot go on like this.

A viewing tip on BNNVARA is "Grab the Power: The plastic scam. Tim Hofman highlights the plastic problem in an activating way in this episode.

Three reasons for beautiful sustainable bottles with your own logo and a good story:

  1. Good for yourself, good for another and good for the planet;
  2. Sharp all-in prices without unexpected additional costs with digital proof in advance;
  3. Fast delivery time of 8 to 10 working days and easy ordering in 3 steps. Design your own bottle here with our configurator. Choose a bottle and then click 'design your own...'.

Plastic vrij met Retulp

Retulp zet zich actief in voor een duurzame toekomst door het aanbieden van herbruikbare en milieuvriendelijke drinkflessen, waarmee het gebruik van wegwerpplastic aanzienlijk wordt verminderd. Met de focus op duurzaamheid en verantwoordelijkheid naar onze planeet, moedigt Retulp iedereen aan om bewuster te leven en alternatieven voor eenmalig gebruik te weigeren. Van stevige roestvrijstalen thermosflessen tot praktische lunchboxen, Retulp biedt stijlvolle en praktische oplossingen die niet alleen goed zijn voor jou maar ook voor het milieu. Door over te stappen op producten van Retulp draag je bij aan het verminderen van de plastic soep in de oceanen en ondersteun je initiatieven die zorgen voor schoon drinkwater in ontwikkelingslanden. Stap ook over op duurzame producten van Retulp en maak het verschil voor een schonere wereld.

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