Tulper, love water, leave plastic.

5 tips for fewer single use plastics

5 tips for fewer single use plastics

Tulper, love water, leave plastic.

Prevention is better than recycling, that's our philosophy! That's why we do everything we can with our products to prevent single use plastics. In this blog, we want to take you through how to reduce these single use plastics. Take advantage of these tips:

1. Use reusable drinking bottle


kilograms of plastic bottles

The easiest option to prevent single use plastics is to stop using plastic bottles. Every year, 21 million pounds of plastic bottles are thrown away in the Netherlands. This is about 550 million small plastic bottles. Considering that many of these bottles end up in the water, affecting marine animals, this is the easiest way to prevent it. The tip is to use a reusable water bottle. Of course, we have plenty of trendy options for reusable water bottles, many of which you can personalize.

2 Use reusable "sandwich bags

Do you still sometimes take a plastic sandwich bag to work? That is very easy to replace for a reusable alternative. Think of reusable and washable sandwich bags or lunch boxes (preferably without plastic of course ????). By taking your sandwich bag you prevent a large part of the plastic soup and get a very trendy alternative.

3. Use reusable 'hip' shopping bag

When you go 'shopping' you see almost every shopper walking with plastic bags from the stores. Since the beginning of this year, the 'free' plastic bags have been banned and you as a consumer have to pay for them. A great way to stop getting plastic or paper bags from the store altogether and buy your own reusable shopping bag. Besides being very practical and good for the environment, you can also avoid throwing away many bags at home. If you make sure your shopping bag also has a trendy print, you will be the eye-catcher of the shopping street.

4. Make use of packaging-free food

Photo: Blog Sannebloem.nl

In more and more stores these days, you can weigh your nuts, granola and other products yourself and take them home. In many of these stores you can get a plastic bag for this, but of course it is better to bring your own packaging to the store. For example, a storage container that you have in your own kitchen. There are even entire stores that sell packaging-free products. Take advantage of them and avoid plastic waste!

5. Reject plastic containers!

The simplest solution is to simply refuse plastic containers. In many supermarkets you can only get plastic bags in the vegetable department. Alternatively, you can refuse these and buy your vegetables at the market. By refusing plastic in this way, you encourage the stores to think and prevent plastic waste yourself!

Do you have any good tips for preventing plastic waste? We'd love to hear them!