Plastic in the ocean

More plastic in the ocean than fish

More than 100,000 marine animals die every year because of plastic pollution. If we continue this way, by 2050 there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish. The huge swirls of plastic waste visible on the sea surface represent only the tip of the iceberg. What lies beneath are masses of microplastics that are easily absorbed by marine animals and impossible to remove. But you can help stop this, today!

Plastic pollution

Plastic pollution is the accumulation of plastic waste in nature and the ocean. It affects nature and wildlife habitats. Indirectly, it also affects our own health. Plastic cannot biodegrade, so the waste builds up and releases toxins. Plastic is used in almost everything and often ends up in places where it does not belong. Due to the large use of disposable plastic, this waste mountain will only increase.

The ocean and marine animals

About 8 million tons of plastic end up in the sea every year. From the Arctic to the Antarctic, no corner of the ocean is untouched by this global problem. This plastic causes great harm to countless seabirds and marine animals through entanglement or poisoning. In fact, small pieces of plastic are seen as food by fish, turtles, birds and other marine animals, causing serious injury and often death. In addition, it leads to chemical contamination of the fish we ourselves eat. Over time, the plastic material does not biodegrade, but will break into small particles known as microplastics, which are eaten by small marine animals and thus enter the food chain.

Whale calf poisoned by plastic-tainted breast milk.

Seals get caught in nets.

Turtles mistake plastic bags for jellyfish.

Wat kan je samen met Retulp hier aan doen?

Retulp zet zich in voor een betere wereld door alternatieven voor wegwerpplastic aan te bieden en zo de plasticsoep tegen te gaan. Door nee te zeggen tegen single-use plastic belandt er minder plastic in de natuur en de oceanen, wat zorgt voor minder vervuiling. Kies voortaan voor een herbruikbare drinkfles, thermosfles of lunchbox om ook een steentje bij te dragen. Doordat jij je drinkfles vaker gebruikt wordt er minder plastic geproduceerd wat jaarlijks tientallen disposables per persoon bespaard. Bovendien doneert Retulp 1000x de inhoud van de fles aan schoondrinkwater aan derdewereldlanden! Help dus de plastickraan dicht te draaien en de drinkwaterkraan weer open te zetten. Op deze manier is Retulp goed voor jezelf, een ander en de planeet.

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